Posumon Oil - Warming Pain Relief

An oil for instant pain relief?

Introducing Posumon oil.

You'll definitely want to add this one to your medicine cabinet... especially if you suffer with chronic pain.

It's a traditional recipe that is full of synergistic ingredients according the principles of East Asian Medicine.

It's a balance of hot and cold, which have specific meanings in this medicine.

**We'll be elaborating more on how we use those principles over a few posts, but here is a great example of it in action in a surface preparation.**

This oil promotes the free flow of blood and metabolic energy (qi) to areas of stagnation in muscle tissue due to chronic tension, strain or injuries.

The hot and cold elements of this oil balance each other beautifully.

Cinnamon oil makes sure that the heat-clearing ingredients are not overly cold and inhibiting your circulation, while the cool and cold ingredients prevent cinnamon oil from aggravating tissue inflammation with more heat. Chinese Licorice balances the potentially harsh qualities of the other herbs, whether hot or cold.

This topical oil contains:

➡️Tea Seed Oil (camellia oil - cooling)

➡️Dragon's Blood Palm (aka Xue Jie - warming)

➡️Chinese Skullcap (aka Huang Qi - cooling)

➡️Chinese Licorice (aka Gan Cao - balancing)

And essential oils of:⬇️

Japanese Peppermint (cooling)

Cinnamon Bark  (warming)

We use the Dr. Bob’s brand of this oil because of the high quality of ingredients. It lasts a long time, especially when mixed with a carrier oil.

For garden variety muscle tension I dilute it. But for an acute muscle strain it goes on straight (and gives potent, instant pain relief).
